Our Legacy
In 1946, a group of concerned parents saw the need for quality Christian education and today, just as yesterday, the West Sayville Christian school is meeting that challenge and will continue to meet that challenge tomorrow.
West Sayville Christian School is an interdenominational independent Christian School dedicated to high academic and spiritual standards. As an extension of the home and church, the school guides children in grades Kindergarten through Eight to a Christ-centered worldview and a personal relationship with God. In recent tests given nationwide and statewide these children scored competitively with area schools, both public and private. For over sixty years, quality Christian education including art, music, athletics, computers, library, technology and careers has been taught by caring Christian state certified teachers. West Sayville Christian School believes that since God created and sustains everything through His son, Jesus Christ, the world and life are a revelation of Himself. Therefore, all areas of learning must be taught from a Christian perspective, and with full recognition that God is the author of all knowledge and truth. Man, however , is a sinner by nature and by choice, and cannot in his natural state glorify God. Man must be re-created in God's image by committing his life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The whole scope of our educational process seeks to bring the child to this understanding. According to the Scriptures the education of the child is the direct responsibility of the parents. The Christian school seeks to complement the training of the home and church and recognizes that it cannot replace either, but does its best work when supported by both. Crucial to making the program of our school work is the Christian School Teacher. It is the teacher who implements the integration of the Christian perspective in the classroom, the laboratory or the athletic field. For this reason each teacher in our school is a committed Christian. Because of our commitment to high academic standards, we require that our teachers be highly qualified college graduates. Many of our teachers have or are working toward their Master’s Degree. |
Group Photo from the 2016-17 School Year Serv-a-thon